The packages available in our payment shop are determined by the country in which you reside. If you have recently moved you may find that the currency in which you pay is incorrect if you registered for the game in another location. If this is the case you can get in contact with our support team who can get your currency details updated.
In order to do so you must live in the country that you wish to change your store to. The support team will need to verify your location in order to change your store for you. To do so they will require you to send the following documents:
ID card (such as National ID, Driver License, University ID, etc), in which you may black out any irrelevant info as long as your name remains visible.
Invoice of one of your monthly utilities (such as electricity, water, gas, etc), in which you may black out any irrelevant info as long as your name and address remain visible.
Please note that these documents are not stored longer than the data protection laws in your country require and are secure in the meantime.
If the support team are not able to verify your location the request may be denied as we cannot change your country store without first verifying your location. Please also note that it is against the
Goodgame terms of service to use 3rd party software or otherwise attempt to mask your location during use of our software and may result in action being taken against your account, please review the terms for more information.