Wiedza o grze - budynki i ulepszenia
Turbo Harvester
You are now able to harvest all crops on your farm with only one simple click! The cost for each building will be 10 gold and the button is ...
How to demolish/move cat tree?
It is possible to demolish cat tree only when all charms are collected and the building is fully unlocked. However, there is an option to re...
Łódź poszukiwacza przygód - Dlaczego poziom spada w dół ?
Łódź poszukiwacza przygód pojawi się w twojej wiosce sojuszu dwa razy w ciągu dnia. Odpływa on zawsze w tym samym czasie ale c...
What are skins and how to use them?
Skins can be used on buildings to change their appearance. They can be bought or won when taking part in different events.To access skins, s...
What are construction tokens and how to use them?
Construction tokens are used to activate additional construction slot. This feature allows to build/upgrade/demolish two buildings/decoratio...
Bakery - How do I transfer the items to use the Bakery?
In order to produce products in the bakery, you first need to move the necessary items from your storage into the bakery itself. To do this,...
Decoration Sets
You will find that certain decorations we have in game belong to different sets. They are marked with a special symbol that looks like a fou...